Thursday, September 10, 2015

Washington Wachira on Bats, Colobus, Suni...

From: Washington Wachira <>
Subject: Fwd: FW: Karura Mammals 4
Date: 10 September 2015 15:24:14 GMT+3

Dear Harvey and all,
Great to see the long discussion on Karura. I have been visiting the forest for many trips since 2011.
Just to add some more mammals. I recorded the Angolan Collared Fruit Bat (Myonycteris angolensis) from the forest caves. Shared photos.

I was there for a Crowned Eagle nesting study a week ago and will be most likely revisiting many more times to continue the study. I have found Harvey's Duikers on almost every visit, but with the new discussion I need to recheck all the greyer antelopes next time. I have not been so keen but have always thought there are Grimm's Duiker in the forest.
I also found a family of Colobus feeding together with the Syke's/Kolbi monkeys along River Gitathuru, which I found interesting (near point 3).
I have also attached two Suni pics from other Nairobi forests to show that pronounced preorbital gland (close-up photo). May support the highland spp.

Kind regards.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent photos of the bats. In which cave did you find them?
