Thursday, September 17, 2015

Karura Mammal List (draft)

Thanks to all corresponding mammal experts for help in ID-ing the Karura mammal photos. Below is a composite list a variation of which we would like to use to caption the photos in our Facebook Mammals album. Work in progress. The Primates are, of course, a bit of a muddle, and was not sure which authority to follow: this one or this one? Or something else?

Can someone help with species of bush squirrel and epauletted bat?   Many thanks.

Class: Mammalia — Mammals

Order: Primates

Superfamily: Cercopithecoidea (Old World Monkeys)       
Subfamily: Cercopithecinae

Olive BaboonPapio anubis (only two occasional sightings in five years — non-residents)

Family: Cercopithecidae (Cheek-pouched monkeys)
Subfamily: Cercopithecinae

Syke’s Monkey (=Kolb's monkey), Cercopithecus mitis kolbi

          Subfamily: Colobinae

Colobus Monkey (= Guereza Colobus, = Black and White Colobus), Colobus guereza kikuyuensis

      Family: Galagonidae

Kikuyu Small-eared Galago (= Bushbaby), Otolemur garnettii kikuyuensis

 Order: Eulipotyphla — Misc. Insectivores 

   Family: Erinaceidae

White-bellied Hedgehog, Atelerix albiventris 

Order: Chiroptera — Bats

Family: Pteropodidae
Subfamily: Epomophorinae

Angolan Collared Fruit Bat, Myonycteris angolensis

[Wahlberg's] Epauletted Fruit BatEpomophorus [wahlbergi] <== can anyone confirm?

Order: Lagomorpha — Hares

Family: Leporidae

Cape Hare, Lepus capensis

Order: Rotentia — Rodents

Family: Sciuridae

Bush SquirrelParaxerus sp.

Family: Hystricidae

North African Crested PorcupineHystrix cristata

Family: Nesomyidae
Subfamily: Cricetomyinae

Giant Pouched RatCricetomys gambianus

Order: Carnivora — Carnivores

Family: Mustelidae
      Subfamily: Mellivorinae

Ratel (= Honey Badger) Mellivora capensis

Family: Viverridae
Subfamily: Viverrinae

African CivetCivettictis civetta

Large-spotted Genet (= Blotched, = Rusty-spotted), Genetta maculata

   Family: Nandiniidae

African Palm Civet (= Two-spotted Palm Civet),  Nandinia biotata arborea

Family: Herpestidae
    Subfamily: Herpestinae

Egyptian Mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon

Slender MongooseHerpestes sanguineus

White-tailed Mongoose, Ichneumia albicauda

Family: Mustelidae
    Subfamily: Lutrinae

African Clawless Otter, Aonyx capensis

Family: Canidae

Side-striped Jackal, Lupulella adusta (ex. Canis adustus)
[check recent name change here]

Order: Artiodactyla — Even-toed Ungulates

Family: Suidae

Bush PigPotamochoerus larvatus

Family: Bovidae
Subfamily: Bovinae

BushbuckTragelaphus scriptus

Subfamily: Cephalophinae

Harvey’s DuikerCephalophus harveyi

Subfamily: Neotraginae

SuniNeotragus moschatus

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