30/10/15 found this, dead, by the road near the Thigiri Gate. It was just past the fitness area, where the bush has recently been cleared out from under the trees, on LHS. Couldn't get a better shot, or investigate further, owing to having my dog with me (he was keen to investigate himself!). Hardly eaten tho.
Any views as to likely cause of death? There have been one or two feral dogs sighted in the area, and we know there are one or two dog owners who are less than cooperative with the dogs-on-leash rule. We also have African crowned eagles, although not that I know of have been sighted on the Sigiria side of the forest. But an eagle (or a ratel) would have eaten more, no? Or, in the case of the eagle, carried to carcass off to feed its young.
Appears that part of the suni has been eaten...and hair 'plucked' from the carcass. My best guess is that this animal was killed by an eagle (either crowned or martial). Likely the bird was chased off the carcass well before the observer found it. Tom