Sunday, August 20, 2017

A new mammal recorded in Karura Forest.
Confirmed by corresponding experts to be an African Palm Civet (Nandinia binotata arborea, a.k.a. the two-spotted civet). Captured along the banks of the Ruaka River (S -1.236249°, E 36.839071°), the civet is at the extreme eastern edge of its range in Africa.  Compare the size to a Large Spotted Genet regularly seen at the same location.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Dead Suni

Freshly-killed ad. female suni on Mau-Mau Trail between Junction 12a and 28 21 February 2016 ca 09:15.

Any views on likely predator? Gut contents neatly put to one side suggest a raptor, and the location is certainly within range of both the Karura River and the Gitathuru pairs of African crowned eagles, not to mention the others in the neighborhood (Ayres' long-crested, etc.). On the other hand, signs of damage to the throat.